Have you been brainstorming on how to get past your immediate condition and become that person you have always wanted to be? Well it is time you get past that and develop new ways to get to your reality and move beyond your dreams. These remains the reason why men with ideas rule their world and men that remain in the comfort of their dreamland remain ruled and have their life  dictated for them.

  In these topic I will be discussing with you some ideas  on how to be who you want to be, get were you want to get and become a ruler of your destiny. These may not be the greatest idea you have come along in your life but the difference now will be on your will to make them work. For what are ideas without the necessary action to put them in motion.

Before you continue reading I will like you to answer the following questions

1. What is your goal in life?
2. Do you know your purpose of living?
3. Are you were you want to be in life?
4. Do you want to get there?

Having answered these questions lets move on.

       I consider these the bedrock of any successful person in life because of the power behind will. For it is not enough of anybody to have a dream of who he wants to be, what type of car he will want to drive, the kind of house you will like to buy and the family you will like to raise. After all everyone has a dream, the difference between a successful man and the other man is the power of there will to make success. So as you journey your way to success do not neglect the power of a will for it is that will that will give you the extra power you need when you face obstacles on your way to success.
                 Never let go a good thing without a fight. Especially if that good thing is a pair of boxing gloves.  Joss Whedon

                                                       DISCOVER YOUR PURPOSE
 Steve Maraboli said and I quote “If you want to identify me, ask me not where I live, or what I like to eat, or how I comb my hair, but ask me what I am living for”.
     These quote has been a favorite quote for me since i realized that I have to know know my purpose for life. Purpose was the reason for creation; purpose is simply the reason why you want to do what you have to do. Discover your purpose in life and you are a step away from success.

                                                    CHANGE THE WAY YOU DO THINGS

          Yes, change the way you live your life, the way you apply for a job, the way you write your business proposal, the way you think . Take for example the Apple Inc. story, Steve Jobs was successful as the CEO of Apple Inc. not because he was a superhuman or because he has super ideas, he succeeded simply because he was a man who has an idea of doing the same things in a different way there by getting a different result. You will continue getting the same result in life if you continue doing things the same way.
      Our dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time; what we really want is for things to remain the same but get better. Sydney Hams

If you think that it is difficult to change, you will probably have a difficult time succeeding.  Andrea Jung
                                                              NEVER PROCRASTINATE

      If you must do something then it has to be now. Procrastination has sent so many opportunities to their early grave before they could be acted upon.
Procrastination is defined simply as the practice of carrying less urgent task in preference to the more urgent ones.
                                                                  TIME! TIME!! TIME!!!

     Time remains to us the most valuable asset, yet we tend to waste it, kill it, and spend it rather than invest in it.
    Because time they say waits for no man you have no business wasting it, rather you invest your time were it matters most.
    Of course if i end these post without adding these point, i will be erring in a great way, because prayer has been something that has worked for me and still working. Take out sometime and pray to your God and believe with your heart you will succeed.



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