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BECOME AN ENTREPRENEUR ....It's not an option

                                       START UP BUSINESS FOR ENTREPRENEURS

                 Unemployment is no new thing in our society. In Nigeria today, graduates are roaming with there credentials looking for job, even the so called first class graduate that graduated with the best of results and read the best of courses are also finding it difficult to get a job and even when they do secure a job, they are either underemployed or they are paid a salary that can hardly cover there transportation fares ;let alone feed them. Many at times you hear people lamenting about how they cant get a job, yes not getting a job is unfortunate but why make your life more calamitous by sitting and waiting for that job that you are not sure will come. why?
       I have come to understand that it pays better to  work for oneself than to work for somebody else, why would you want to work for someone else when you can start that same business on your own and write your own pay checks.

     I will share with us some easy business start ups you can start with little initial capital. Even though i said easy start up, they are not so easy, but of cause nothing good in life has ever been easy to come by.

     These ideas are ones i  have seen people setup and succeed in; and i am a living testimony too as i am into most of these business as an entrepreneur.

                                                            EVENT MANAGEMENT:
       These business is a business you can never fail in if you are determined, as Nigerians are people that like party and merry making you are sure to breakthrough. It will amaze you to know how many parties that are done everyday in these country , from wedding ceremony, birthdays, office function,sent-forth party, house warming party, child dedication party,music festivals, campaigns, rally and so many different kind of party that are organized everyday. Now think of the opportunity there for you.
  Initial start ups capital ranges from N70,000 - N150,000. it  of course depend on how you want to start up.

             Photographing has been in existence since the mid 1820's according to Wikipedia and has since been something people cant do without. Before photographing in Nigeria are seen as old peoples business, because any professional photographer those days seem to be old men. But today all that has changed, with the introduction of digital cameras, smartphones and other gadgets almost everybody seem to know how to photograph, but it is not every body that is a photographer.
    You can be a mobile photographer, so are many photographers i know, they go from event to event taking photos and they make hell of money on that . One thing about these business is that its something you can do whilst doing other business and it easy to start up, with your camera and your printer you are done.
  Initial start up capital range from  N40,000 - N60,000.

                                          RECHARGE CARD PRINTING AND SELLING
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   Now these business need no much explanation as it is a popular  business in every nooks and cranes of the country. Recharge card printing and selling is a serious business in Nigeria, according to NCC about 173,697,287 phones are connected to the network as of 2013, now imagine how much airtime these people recharge every day, imagine how much can be made just by selling to 1% of these subscribers. click here for more info.

                                                            CAR WASH BUSINESS
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         An average car wash here in Nigeria charge N500 per car. That is just for washing the external body of the car, engine wash and interior wash charges not included. These to me is what is called profit, were little effort=maximum income. You can employ someone to do the washing for you and think of a way to expand your business, dont limit yourself to that environment.  you can plan for car wash in multiple places and build a brand for yourself.
       Initial cost for these business depends on how you want to start up the business.

                                                                BLOCK INDUSTRY
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                 This is a business that is highly profitable yet overlooked by so many people, there by leaving it to a few people to monopolize. Although its a business with which you have to put a few things in consideration before investing in it. Things like source of sand and water which are the main ingredient for the business, once you can get the two things without too much cost then its a business you have to invest in. I advice you to meet those into the business already, of course not everybody will tell you the truth.  but there is no harm in trying, is there? I have a friend who is into these business, and i can authoritatively say that cement block industry business is profitable.
                                                              POULTRY FARMING
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               Poultry farming is indeed a lucrative business in Nigeria if managed well, as it does not take long for you to turn up profit, as chickens  mature really fast. In these business entrepreneurs are left with great opportunity to grasp on. for details on how to start up i recommend a post here.

                                                         COMPUTER INSTRUCTOR
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                     Computer instructor? Yes computer instructors make a lot of money from instructing holiday student,computer illiterates and even government workers. With the speed with which the world is evolving; scientific wise, it will be difficult for anyone who is not computer literate to cope or even understand the society, that's why you see employees laying off workers because they need ICT inclined workforce to increase productivity.

 This is were you come in, organizing computer literate classes and charging a fee for it, open a computer college, become a home tutor for computer classes , apply to institution to train and retrain there staffs on ICT knowledge. With the new JAMB CBT exams being computer based, you can organize CBT training classes for student.
    There is boundless opportunity in these field and it is something i am personally benefiting from.
                                                          INTERIOR DECORATION
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            Interior design is something that has turned out from a "big man" want to something everyday people need. Do you have an eye for design?  Then get your designer geek out and start making money from it. I found a detailed post on that here

                                                 HOW TO DO VIDEOS/DO THINGS
                                                                    Video by Derek Banas    
         You will be amazed if only you know what Nigerians search for on internet everyday. Believe  me there are millions out there looking for  videos on how to do one thing or the other, if you are someone who have a strong online presence (which of cause you can have if you want to) then you can make a HOW TO DO VIDEOS/DO THINGS  on a lot of topics, ranging from how to do video  in fashion ,how to do video in food, how to do videos in a lot of topics that you find interest in. You can also write a tutorial on how to do things  prepare them as e-book and market them online.

Just like anything good does not get easy at the start , these ideas might not get easy at start, but surely when it will be stand it will be a success.

  You can share your thought on these post, ask questions and share your own ideas too.


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