A  great book they say is worth a thousand lectures and sermons. 
       I remember my days in my secondary school,  i was a member of what we called THE JETS CLUB (Junior Engineers and Technicians club), we were taught advanced topics in Engineering, the school do invite in some weeks Motivational speakers. In one of the clubs session, the speaker said to us and i quote "You see this suite am wearing? Its the only one i have and i don't mind because my book shelve is well dressed than i am" He had a library of his own.
He was more concerned to equip his library with quality books than he was on equipping his appearance, because he had discovered early that a man is not only defined by his appearance but what he has to offer intellectually.  And only through deep reading culture do man develop intellectually.
     Reading has a lot of advantages to offer to young people both now and in the future , in fact the latter is were you will discover that you have built  a treasure for yourself by reading earlier in your life, but reading is a continues process and no one can ever read everything, which is the more reason why you have to read as much as you can.

    While you are on the quest of your reading adventure; i will like you to note that  reading is like a food there are junk and wholesome books. Because reading has evolved because of technology and the internet we have to understand that deep reading goes beyond the regular online news articles and timelines, because the internet create too much distraction for deep reading we should be able to find a balance between deep reading and online articles.
Studies has shown that those who read hyperlink texts comprehend less than those who read plain texts (text books).

  • Deep reading is vigorous exercise from the brain and increases our real-life capacity for empathy.
  • Reading is vital in developing the mind and imaginations
  • Non readers or poor readers have low opinion on themselves and their abilities.
  • Reading improves your discipline and memory
  • Reading brings out self esteem and creativity
  • Reading increases vocabulary
  • Reading  develops the unconscious mind which springs out in the conscious mind.

"Not every reader is a leader, but every leader must be a reader"

-Harry Truman


An IT certification/certificate is a confirmation given to an individual or an organization to confirm that they are able to perform and exhibit a certain characteristic. 

    Most IT certification are acceptable all over the world, like the Comptia A+, CCNA, MSCE and hundreds of them to name but a few. IT certifications are of a great importance to an IT related career personnel and even to other career persons, in that a knowledge in IT will be an added advantage to a person that is not IT career oriented. The demand for IT certified persons are increasing dramatically because of the knowledge, experience and above all the skill which they are able to command.
In Nigeria today, a lot of student just want to get a Bsc. in IT field without giving attention to the advantage to which certificates in there respective field of study will accord them, which is why there is high rate of competition in the job market, because they all have similar credentials with no difference.  A certification in your field of study, in IT especially will not only be of an advantage to you, but will distinguish you from others, it makes your resume to stand out, raise your chances of getting your dream job.
        I got my first job with an O-level result and a ComptiA A+ certificate, i had no degree, not even a National Diploma in anything. But i got that job because of the experience i had while studying for my ComptiA A+ certificate, of cause i worked a few months and quit so as to further my studies, now i am an undergraduate. The point i am trying to make is that a certificate is like a turbo to your career. In a competitive market, you've got to do everything you can to distinguish yourself from your peers. Certification is an important part of that process. A recent poll asked users why they chose certification. The number one answer-at-51 percent was that certification was a way to position themselves for a promotion or potential job. RICH HEIN

      NOTE: IT encompasses a lot of field, you will have to be able to know what area you will want to focus on. Like you have (Web masters, Network Administrators, PC Techies, and so many of them)
There are different types of IT Certification bodies like:
Red hat
IBM e.t.c
           But here in Nigeria the most popular are the likes of Microsoft, Cisco and ComptiA  certificates.
I will be highlighting a few certificates which will surely keep you outstanding from your colleagues. While these are just a few out of the numerous IT certification, it is important to know the area of the IT career you will want channel your resources or knowledge, doing these enables you to be focused. You might as well want to research on other certifications if you think none of these are related to what you have in mind.

                                                                  ComptiA A+
A+ certificate is from the ComptiA group, it is a vendor neutral certificate and mostly considered as an Entry certificate into the IT world.
   A ComptiA A+ certificate signifies that a candidate is a qualified PC hardware and Soft ware technician. The latest version of ComptiA is ComptiA+ 2012 edition. Two exams is necessary for these certification: ComptiA A+ 220-801 and ComptiA A+ 220-802.
   Technology professionals with solid hardware and support skills are becoming tougher to find. There’s not much glory in digging elbow-deep into a desktop box or troubleshooting Windows boot errors. But those skills are essential to keeping companies running.
Adding CompTIA’s A+ certification to a resume tells hiring managers and department heads that you have proven support expertise and with it you can stand on your own anywhere - In Nigeria or abroad. Whether an organization requires desktop installation, problem diagnosis, preventive maintenance, or computer or network error troubleshooting, many organizations have found A+-certified technicians to be more productive than their non certified counterparts.

The new-generation Microsoft Certified IT Professional credential, or MCITP for short, is likely to become the next big Microsoft certification. Available for a variety of fields of expertise—including database developer, database administrator, enterprise messaging administrator, and server administrator—an MCITP validates a professional’s proven job-role capabilities. Candidates must pass several Microsoft exams that track directly to their job role before earning the new designation.
As with Microsoft’s other new-generation accreditation, the MCITP certification will retire when Microsoft suspends mainstream support for the platforms targeted within the MCITP exams. By matching the new certification to popular job roles, as has been done to some extent with CompTIA’s Server+ (server administrator), Project+ (project manager), and A+ (desktop support) certifications, Microsoft has created a new certification that’s certain to prove timely, relevant, and valuable. 85% of organizations in Nigeria deploy Microsoft operating system for their services,much reason why you need to be looking at Microsoft for your certification.

The new-generation Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS) helps IT entrepreneurs and staff validate skills in installing, maintaining, and troubleshooting a specific Microsoft technology. The MCTS certifications are designed to communicate the skills and expertise a holder possesses on a specific platform.
For example, candidates won’t earn an MCTS on SQL Server 2008. Instead, they'll earn an MCTS covering SQL Server business intelligence (MCTS: SQL Server 2008 Business Intelligence), database creation (MCTS: SQL Server 2008, Database Development), or SQL server administration (MCTS: SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance).
These new certifications require passing multiple, tightly targeted exams that focus on specific responsibilities on specific platforms. MCTS designations will expire when Microsoft suspends mainstream support for the corresponding platform. These changes, as with other new-generation Microsoft certifications, add value to the accreditation.

The Cisco Certified Internetwork Expert (CCIE) accreditation captures most of the networking company’s certification glory. But the Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA) might prove more realistic within many organizations.
In a world in which Microsoft and Linux administrators are also often expected to be networking experts, many companies don’t have the budgets necessary to train (or employ) a CCIE. But even small and midsize corporations can benefit from having their technology professionals earn basic proficiency administering Cisco equipment, as demonstrated by earning a CCNA accreditation.
As smaller companies become increasingly dependent upon remote access technologies, basic Cisco systems skills are bound to become more important. Although many smaller organizations will never have the complexity or workload necessary to keep a CCIE busy, Cisco’s CCNA is a strong accreditation for technology professionals with a few years’ experience seeking to grow and improve their networking skills.
Security continues to be a critical topic especially in growing IT economies like Nigeria. That’s not going to change. In fact, its importance is only going to grow. One of the quickest ways to lose shareholder value, client confidence, and sales is to suffer a data breach. And no self-respecting technology professional wants to be responsible for such a breach.CompTIA’s Security+ accreditation provides a respected, vendor-neutral foundation for industry staff (with at least two years of experience) seeking to demonstrate proficiency with security fundamentals. While the Security+ accreditation consists of just a single exam, it could be argued that any IT employee charged with managing client data or other sensitive information should, at a minimum, possess this accreditation. The importance of ensuring staff are properly educated as to systems security, network infrastructure, access control, auditing, and organizational security principles is simply too important to take for granted.

Some accreditation's gain value by targeting specific skills and expertise. The Project Management Professional (PMP) certification is a great example.
The Project Management Institute (PMI), a nonprofit organization that serves as a leading membership association for project management practitioners, maintains the PMP exam. The certification measures a candidate’s project management expertise by validating skills and knowledge required to plan, execute, budget, and lead a technology project. Eligible candidates must have five years of project management experience or three years of project management experience and 35 hours of related education.
As organizations battle tough economic conditions, having proven project scheduling, budgeting, and management skills will only grow in importance. The PMI’s PMP credential is a perfect conduit for demonstrating that expertise on a resume.

There’s more to information technology than just administration, support, and networking. Someone must create and maintain the applications and programs that power organizations. That’s where the new-generation Microsoft Certified Professional Developer (MCPD) credential comes into play.
The MCPD accreditation measures a developer’s ability to build and maintain software solutions using Visual Studio 2008 and Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5. Split into three certification paths (Windows Developer 3.5, ASP.NET Developer 3.5, and Enterprise Applications Developer 3.5), the credential targets IT professionals tasked with designing, optimizing, and operating those Microsoft technologies to fulfill business needs.
A redesigned certification aimed at better-measuring real-world skills and expertise, the MCPD will prove important for developers and programmers. Besides requiring candidates to pass several exams, the MCPD certification will retire when Microsoft suspends mainstream support for the corresponding platform. The change is designed to ensure the MCPD certification remains relevant, which is certain to further increase its value.

Reference: www.techrepublic.com
Reference: Oludotun Babayemi


BECOME AN ENTREPRENEUR ....It's not an option

                                       START UP BUSINESS FOR ENTREPRENEURS

                 Unemployment is no new thing in our society. In Nigeria today, graduates are roaming with there credentials looking for job, even the so called first class graduate that graduated with the best of results and read the best of courses are also finding it difficult to get a job and even when they do secure a job, they are either underemployed or they are paid a salary that can hardly cover there transportation fares ;let alone feed them. Many at times you hear people lamenting about how they cant get a job, yes not getting a job is unfortunate but why make your life more calamitous by sitting and waiting for that job that you are not sure will come. why?
       I have come to understand that it pays better to  work for oneself than to work for somebody else, why would you want to work for someone else when you can start that same business on your own and write your own pay checks.

     I will share with us some easy business start ups you can start with little initial capital. Even though i said easy start up, they are not so easy, but of cause nothing good in life has ever been easy to come by.

     These ideas are ones i  have seen people setup and succeed in; and i am a living testimony too as i am into most of these business as an entrepreneur.

                                                            EVENT MANAGEMENT:
       These business is a business you can never fail in if you are determined, as Nigerians are people that like party and merry making you are sure to breakthrough. It will amaze you to know how many parties that are done everyday in these country , from wedding ceremony, birthdays, office function,sent-forth party, house warming party, child dedication party,music festivals, campaigns, rally and so many different kind of party that are organized everyday. Now think of the opportunity there for you.
  Initial start ups capital ranges from N70,000 - N150,000. it  of course depend on how you want to start up.

             Photographing has been in existence since the mid 1820's according to Wikipedia and has since been something people cant do without. Before photographing in Nigeria are seen as old peoples business, because any professional photographer those days seem to be old men. But today all that has changed, with the introduction of digital cameras, smartphones and other gadgets almost everybody seem to know how to photograph, but it is not every body that is a photographer.
    You can be a mobile photographer, so are many photographers i know, they go from event to event taking photos and they make hell of money on that . One thing about these business is that its something you can do whilst doing other business and it easy to start up, with your camera and your printer you are done.
  Initial start up capital range from  N40,000 - N60,000.

                                          RECHARGE CARD PRINTING AND SELLING
image source
   Now these business need no much explanation as it is a popular  business in every nooks and cranes of the country. Recharge card printing and selling is a serious business in Nigeria, according to NCC about 173,697,287 phones are connected to the network as of 2013, now imagine how much airtime these people recharge every day, imagine how much can be made just by selling to 1% of these subscribers. click here for more info.



Have you been brainstorming on how to get past your immediate condition and become that person you have always wanted to be? Well it is time you get past that and develop new ways to get to your reality and move beyond your dreams. These remains the reason why men with ideas rule their world and men that remain in the comfort of their dreamland remain ruled and have their life  dictated for them.

  In these topic I will be discussing with you some ideas  on how to be who you want to be, get were you want to get and become a ruler of your destiny. These may not be the greatest idea you have come along in your life but the difference now will be on your will to make them work. For what are ideas without the necessary action to put them in motion.

Before you continue reading I will like you to answer the following questions

1. What is your goal in life?
2. Do you know your purpose of living?
3. Are you were you want to be in life?
4. Do you want to get there?

Having answered these questions lets move on.

       I consider these the bedrock of any successful person in life because of the power behind will. For it is not enough of anybody to have a dream of who he wants to be, what type of car he will want to drive, the kind of house you will like to buy and the family you will like to raise. After all everyone has a dream, the difference between a successful man and the other man is the power of there will to make success. So as you journey your way to success do not neglect the power of a will for it is that will that will give you the extra power you need when you face obstacles on your way to success.
                 Never let go a good thing without a fight. Especially if that good thing is a pair of boxing gloves.  Joss Whedon